Tranzactioneaza Rombeton Bucuresti (ROBU) - 18 RON (%) Tranzactioneaza


Decizie ASF nr.631/28.05.2020 retragere de la tranzactionare incepand cu data de 02.06.2020
Hotarari AGOA si AGEA 02.04.2020 (AGA bilant 2019, BVC, program activitate 2020, prelungire mandate membri CA, completare obiect de activitate, vanzare teren)
Convocare AGOA si AGEA 02.04.2020-03.04.2020 (data referinta 16.03.2020) (AGA bilant 2019, BVC 2020, revocare - alegere membri CA, marire obiect de actiivtate, vanzare teren)
Suspendare tranzactionare in data de 11.11.2019, ora 9:45 conf art 24 alin 1 lit c Titlul II Cod BVB sistem multilateral de tranzactionare 11.11.2019 ex date Hotarari AGEA 06.08.2019 aprobare retragere de la tranzactionare
Raport semestrial 2019 (Situatii financiare semestrul I 2019)
Acţionarii (ROBU) au aprobat retragerea companiei de la tranzacţionare

Acţionarii Rombeton Bucureşti au aprobat retragerea companiei de la tranzacţionare Acţionarii Rombeton Bucureşti (ROBU), companie care se ocupă cu fabricarea produselor din beton pentru construcţii, au aprobat marţi în şedinţă generală extraordinară retragerea de la tranzacţionare pe piaţa AeRO a valorilor mobiliare emise de companie şi radierea lor din evidenţele Autorităţii de Supraveghere Financiară, cu consecinţa dobândirii caracterului de societate pe acţiuni de tip închis, se arată într-un raport la bursă. De asemenea, în cadrul aceleiaşi adunări, acţionarii au aprobat raportul de evaluare a acţiunilor cu privire la preţul de 31,67 lei pe acţiune care urmează să fie achitat în cazul retragerii acţionarilor din societate. Acţionarii care nu vor fi de acord cu hotărârea adunării au la dispoziţie o perioadă de 45 de zile de la data de înregistrare 12 noiembrie 2019 pentru transmiterea în scris către societate a cererilor de retragere. Compania este deţinută în proporţie de 40,4% de către MGR-CO Bucureşti şi în proporţie de 29,9% de către asociaţia salariaţilor Rombeton Pas Bucureşti, în timp ce Gabriel Subţirelu deţine 18,9% din capitalul social al companiei cu 7,6 mii. lei capitalizare.

Hotarari AGEA 06.08.2019 (aprobare retragere de la tranzactionare, aprobare raport evaluare, aprobare pret actiune care urmeaza a fi achitat in cazul retragerii actionarilor din societate, data de inregistrare)
Raport evaluare - valoare de piata (procedura de retragere)
Convocare AGEA 06.08.2019-07.08.2019 (data referinta 24.07.2019) (aprobare retragere de la tranzactionare, aprobare raport evaluare, aprobare pret actiune care urmeaza a fi achitat in cazul retragerii actionarilor din societate, data de inregistrare)
Informare referitor la disponibilitate raport anual 2018
Raport anual 2018 (completare)
Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:


Raport anual 2018 (cu anexe)
Hotarari AGOA 18.04.2019 (AGA bilant 2018, BVC 2019, prelungire mandat auditor financiar)
Convocare AGOA 18.04.2019-19.04.2019 (data referinta 06.04.2019) (AGA bilant 2018, BVC 2019, revocare auditor financiar)
Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:


Situatii financiare semestrul I 2018
Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

ARGUS SA Constanta (UARG), Indicators
ALIMENTARA SA Slatina (ALRV), Indicators
UNIVERS SA Rm. Valcea (UNVR), Indicators
SMR SA BALS (SMRZ), Indicators
MECANOENERGETICA SA Dr. Tr. Severin (MEGU), Indicators
ALUM SA Tulcea (BBGA), Indicators

Raport anual 2017 (raport audit)
Raport anual 2017 (cu anexe)
Hotarari AGOA 29.03.2018 (AGA bilant 2017, aproba BVC 2018, revocare administrator, prelungire mandate administratori, numire Presedinte CA )
Convocare AGOA 29.03.2018-30.03.2018 (data referinta 17.03.2018) (AGA bilant 2017, BVC 2018, revocare - numire membri CA si stabilirea remuneratiei acestora)
Situatii financiare semestrul I 2017
Notificare detineri > 15%
Notificare detineri < 5%
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate - vanzare - 2.8.2017
Notificare - Tranzactii persoane initiate (02.08.2017, cumparare)
Raport anual 2016 (cu anexe)
Hotarari AGOA 29.05.2017 (AGA bilant 2016, BVC 2017)
Completare Convocare AGOA 29.05.2017
Convocare AGOA 29.05.2017-30.05.2017 (data referinta 17.05.2017) (AGA bilant 2016)
Hotarari AGEA 29.11.2016 (aprobare intabulare, vanzare terenuri, revocare membru CA, numire membru CA, diverse)
Completare Convocare AGOA 29.11.2016-30.11.2016 (Revocare un membru CA, alegerea unui membru CA, revocare imputernicire in relatia cu banci)
(ROBU), una dintre cele mai puţin lichide companii listate, vrea să vândă cinci terenuri în Bucureşti pentru minimum 1 mil. lei

Rombeton, una dintre cele mai puţ in lichide companii listate, vrea să vândă cinci terenuri în Bucureş ti pentru minimum 1 mii. lei Rombeton (ROBU), companie care se ocupă cu fabricarea produselor din beton pentru construcţ ii, cu capitalizare de doar 177.000 de lei, cheamă acţ ionarii pe 29 noiembrie pentru a aproba vânzarea, după intabulare, a cinci terenuri în Bucureş ti. Suprafaţ a totală a celor cinci terenuri din Sectorul 4 al Capitalei este de aproximativ 6.500 de metri pă traţ i. Compania menţ ionează că va vinde terenurile începând cu preţ ul de 35 de euro pe metru pă trat. Astfel, Rombeton, care are active de 5 milioane de lei, ar putea încasa din vânzarea terenurilor circa 228.000 de euro, adică un milion de lei. Compania nu menţ ionează care este motivul din spatele deciziei de a vinde cele cinci terenuri. Doar acţ ionarii care sunt înscriş i la data de 17 noiembrie pot participa la Adunarea Generală Extraordinară . Cea mai recentă ş edinţ ă cu acţ iuni ROBU a avut loc pe 5 septembrie 2013, la preţ ul de 0,42 lei, în urcare cu 40% faţ ă de ş edinţ a precedentă .Printre acţ ionarii companiei se numă ră MGR-CO Bucureş ti (40,8%), Rombeton Pas (30%), SIF Muntenia (14%) ş i alţ i acţ ionari.

Convocare AGEA 29.11.2016-30.11.2016 (data referinta 17.11.2016) (Intabulari si vanzari de terenuri)
Situatii financiare semestrul I 2016
Annual Report 2015
General Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders Resolutions (meeting held on 5/10/2016)
General Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders Resolutions (meeting held on 5/10/2016)
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2015
Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BAZL), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CLUJ), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBJ), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBS), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTM), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FOMA), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MCAB), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREB), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SCTB), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SMRZ), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BAZL), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CLUJ), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBJ), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTM), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FOMA), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SMRZ), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBJ), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTM), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FOMA), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SMRZ), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FOMA), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGCM), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MEGU), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METT), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SLBB), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SOTA), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIAG), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAST), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators
(VULC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALR), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(ISCO), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RERP), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIEP), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMBU), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCB), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMA), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RELE), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RSCA), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCBC), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STOZ), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TALD), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ASP), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CAXY), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(EMTL), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FMAR), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MAMA), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(RETZ), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TSND), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATLK), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMCM), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators

Raportari financiare companii listate la BVB

S-au publicat pe platforma urmatoarele rapoarte financiare:

(ACBU), Indicators
(ADMY), Indicators
(AGBJ), Indicators
(AGHC), Indicators
(ALCQ), Indicators
(ALRV), Indicators
(ALT), Indicators
(ALU), Indicators
(AMEN), Indicators
(AMO), Indicators
(AMPL), Indicators
(AMY), Indicators
(ANIM), Indicators
(ANTA), Indicators
(ANTE), Indicators
(AOGH), Indicators
(APC), Indicators
(ARBO), Indicators
(ARCU), Indicators
(ARJI), Indicators
(ARM), Indicators
(ARMT), Indicators
(ARS), Indicators
(ART), Indicators
(ARTA), Indicators
(ARTE), Indicators
(ATB), Indicators
(ATPA), Indicators
(ATRD), Indicators
(AUR), Indicators
(AUTQ), Indicators
(AUXI), Indicators
(AVBW), Indicators
(AVIO), Indicators
(AVOR), Indicators
(AVSL), Indicators
(AVUT), Indicators
(BADE), Indicators
(BALN), Indicators
(BALT), Indicators
(BBGA), Indicators
(BCC), Indicators
(BCM), Indicators
(BETA), Indicators
(BIBU), Indicators
(BIO), Indicators
(BLEA), Indicators
(BNAT), Indicators
(BNET), Indicators
(BRCR), Indicators
(BRD), Indicators
(BRK), Indicators
(BRM), Indicators
(BRNA), Indicators
(BTF), Indicators
(BUCS), Indicators
(BUCU), Indicators
(BUCV), Indicators
(BURM), Indicators
(BVB), Indicators
(CACU), Indicators
(CAIN), Indicators
(CAOR), Indicators
(CBC), Indicators
(CBOT), Indicators
(CCOM), Indicators
(CEON), Indicators
(CEPO), Indicators
(CFED), Indicators
(CHIA), Indicators
(CHOB), Indicators
(CICE), Indicators
(CLUB), Indicators
(CMF), Indicators
(CMP), Indicators
(CMVX), Indicators
(CNTE), Indicators
(COBL), Indicators
(COBU), Indicators
(COCR), Indicators
(CODG), Indicators
(COEC), Indicators
(COET), Indicators
(COFI), Indicators
(COKG), Indicators
(COKJ), Indicators
(COLK), Indicators
(COMI), Indicators
(COMK), Indicators
(COMY), Indicators
(CONJ), Indicators
(CONK), Indicators
(CONQ), Indicators
(CORO), Indicators
(COS), Indicators
(COSC), Indicators
(COTE), Indicators
(COTN), Indicators
(COTR), Indicators
(COUT), Indicators
(CPHA), Indicators
(CPLB), Indicators
(CTUL), Indicators
(DAFR), Indicators
(DIAS), Indicators
(DOFA), Indicators
(DOIS), Indicators
(DUPX), Indicators
(DURN), Indicators
(ECT), Indicators
(EEAI), Indicators
(EETS), Indicators
(EFO), Indicators
(ELEL), Indicators
(ELER), Indicators
(ELGS), Indicators
(ELJ), Indicators
(ELJA), Indicators
(ELMA), Indicators
(ELZY), Indicators
(EMAI), Indicators
(ENP), Indicators
(EPN), Indicators
(EPT), Indicators
(EUXI), Indicators
(EXPV), Indicators
(FACY), Indicators
(FALT), Indicators
(FAMS), Indicators
(FAMZ), Indicators
(FERO), Indicators
(FIMR), Indicators
(FIRO), Indicators
(FLAO), Indicators
(FLAU), Indicators
(FOJE), Indicators
(FORO), Indicators
(FOSB), Indicators
(FP), Indicators
(FRRE), Indicators
(GALF), Indicators
(GALV), Indicators
(GAOY), Indicators
(GDP), Indicators
(GECM), Indicators
(GHIM), Indicators
(GRDE), Indicators
(GRIU), Indicators
(GRLA), Indicators
(GUFX), Indicators
(HEBE), Indicators
(HIJA), Indicators
(HLEB), Indicators
(IAMU), Indicators
(IANY), Indicators
(IARV), Indicators
(IASX), Indicators
(ICEV), Indicators
(ICMR), Indicators
(ICOS), Indicators
(ICSI), Indicators
(IFG), Indicators
(IFR), Indicators
(IMP), Indicators
(IMSP), Indicators
(INAR), Indicators
(INBI), Indicators
(INBO), Indicators
(INCT), Indicators
(INEM), Indicators
(INLS), Indicators
(INMA), Indicators
(INOX), Indicators
(INTA), Indicators
(IORB), Indicators
(IPRO), Indicators
(IPRU), Indicators
(IUBR), Indicators
(LACT), Indicators
(LCSI), Indicators
(LGMS), Indicators
(LIDO), Indicators
(LITO), Indicators
(LMRU), Indicators
(MABE), Indicators
(MACO), Indicators
(MAJE), Indicators
(MALI), Indicators
(MASA), Indicators
(MEBY), Indicators
(MECA), Indicators
(MECE), Indicators
(MECF), Indicators
(MECP), Indicators
(MEF), Indicators
(MELE), Indicators
(MEMO), Indicators
(MEOR), Indicators
(MEOY), Indicators
(METV), Indicators
(METY), Indicators
(MINO), Indicators
(MINX), Indicators
(MOBD), Indicators
(MOBG), Indicators
(MOBT), Indicators
(MODY), Indicators
(MORA), Indicators
(MRDO), Indicators
(MRVI), Indicators
(MTCR), Indicators
(NACH), Indicators
(NEOL), Indicators
(NEPT), Indicators
(NORD), Indicators
(NTEX), Indicators
(OIL), Indicators
(OLPV), Indicators
(OLT), Indicators
(OMAL), Indicators
(OPMY), Indicators
(ORTU), Indicators
(PACY), Indicators
(PAMO), Indicators
(PARC), Indicators
(PEHA), Indicators
(PEI), Indicators
(PELA), Indicators
(PNMT), Indicators
(POBR), Indicators
(POTI), Indicators
(PPL), Indicators
(PRAE), Indicators
(PRAH), Indicators
(PRBU), Indicators
(PREH), Indicators
(PRIB), Indicators
(PRIN), Indicators
(PRMT), Indicators
(PRTA), Indicators
(PTR), Indicators
(PTRC), Indicators
(PVBS), Indicators
(RANT), Indicators
(RCHI), Indicators
(REFE), Indicators
(REGL), Indicators
(REVA), Indicators
(RMAH), Indicators
(ROBU), Indicators
(ROCE), Indicators
(RORX), Indicators
(ROSV), Indicators
(RPH), Indicators
(RRC), Indicators
(RTRA), Indicators
(SCD), Indicators
(SCDM), Indicators
(SCPS), Indicators
(SDAY), Indicators
(SEBZ), Indicators
(SECE), Indicators
(SELC), Indicators
(SEOL), Indicators
(SEOM), Indicators
(SERC), Indicators
(SEVE), Indicators
(SIBX), Indicators
(SIDG), Indicators
(SIF1), Indicators
(SIF2), Indicators
(SIF3), Indicators
(SIF4), Indicators
(SIF5), Indicators
(SIMA), Indicators
(SIMF), Indicators
(SIMI), Indicators
(SINA), Indicators
(SINT), Indicators
(SIOB), Indicators
(SIRM), Indicators
(SIVX), Indicators
(SNC), Indicators
(SNG), Indicators
(SNN), Indicators
(SNO), Indicators
(SNP), Indicators
(SOCP), Indicators
(SOEL), Indicators
(SOMB), Indicators
(SOPL), Indicators
(SPCU), Indicators
(SPEC), Indicators
(STIB), Indicators
(STK), Indicators
(STNM), Indicators
(STOF), Indicators
(STZ), Indicators
(SUTB), Indicators
(TAPI), Indicators
(TBM), Indicators
(TEL), Indicators
(TERA), Indicators
(TEXV), Indicators
(TGN), Indicators
(TLV), Indicators
(TRAM), Indicators
(TRCE), Indicators
(TRCS), Indicators
(TRGI), Indicators
(TRP), Indicators
(TRSK), Indicators
(TRTE), Indicators
(TRVC), Indicators
(TRVM), Indicators
(TUAA), Indicators
(TUFE), Indicators
(TUSI), Indicators
(TVBETETF), Indicators
(UAM), Indicators
(UARG), Indicators
(UCET), Indicators
(UCM), Indicators
(UNIR), Indicators
(UNISEM), Indicators
(UNIT), Indicators
(UNME), Indicators
(UNVI), Indicators
(UNVR), Indicators
(UPET), Indicators
(UPRR), Indicators
(URBA), Indicators
(URCB), Indicators
(URUL), Indicators
(UTGR), Indicators
(UZC), Indicators
(UZIN), Indicators
(UZT), Indicators
(VAC), Indicators
(VESY), Indicators
(VIRO), Indicators
(VISI), Indicators
(VITB), Indicators
(VITK), Indicators
(VLAD), Indicators
(VNC), Indicators

Buna ziua, sunt TreVi. Spuneti-mi, va rog, cu ce informatii va pot fi de folos.